Halushchenko Andrii Viktorovych 2 February 1975 – 2 September 2015

Halushchenko Andrii Viktorovych

Andrii Halushchenko was born on February 2, 1975 in the village of Kozhanka, Fastiv district, Kyiv region.

Andrii was cybernetist by profession, successful entrepreneur, excellent athlete and a true patriot of Ukraine. The events of November 30, 2013 changed his life forever. Andrii immediately joined the Self-Defence of the Maidan and was elected deputy Sotnyk of the 3rd Sotnya. During the Revolution of Dignity, he lost many comrades-in-arms.

After Russia broke out the military aggression against Ukraine, Andrii joined the National Guard of Ukraine as a volunteer together with like-minded people from the Self-Defence of the Maidan.

Andrii was the head of the reconnaissance group of the battalion named after General S. Kulchytskyi. Under the call sign "Andrew", he approached the terrorists’ backland to gather information. He also launched the first UAVs.

Later, as a non-staff SSU employee, he performed tasks in the ATO area. In particular, together with volunteers, he evacuated more than a thousand civilians from Debaltseve, Volnovakha and Svitlodarsk from enemy shelling.

After creating consolidated mobile groups of Ukrainian military, law enforcement officers and border guards on the contact line, he headed one of the groups, which operated in the area of Shchastia. The groups prevented the illegal movement of goods, weapons, cash for militants and prevented terrorists from getting into peaceful areas.

On September 2, 2015, an armed attack was carried out against a consolidated mobile group performing a special official task in the Novoaidarivskyi district of Luhansk region. As a result of the attack, Andrii Halushchenko died.

Visitation took place on the Independence Square, Andrii was buried in his native village in Kyiv region.

By Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 546/2015 of September 15, 2015 for courage, dedication and high professionalism shown in defence of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, Halushchenko Andrii was awarded the Order "For Courage" of III degree (posthumously).

One of the educational subdivisions of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine is named after him.

A memorial plaque was unveiled in his honour at the Kozhanska school where Andriy studied. In the autumn of 2017, a memorial plaque also was opened at the Ivan Bohun Kyiv Military Lyceum, where Halushchenko graduated and where he worked as a lecturer.

Andrii is survived by his wife and daughter.