Muliar Ruslan Stanislavovych
Ruslan Mulyar was born on January 24, 1975 in Ternopil city.
In 1997 he graduated from Ternopil Academy of National Economy, where he got an economic degree. In 1997-1998 he passed compulsory military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and then he worked in economic field.
Ruslan joined the SSU in 2001. During his service, he was promoted from sergeant to colonel, from intelligence officer to group commander. He was fond of football and was the goalkeeper and captain of the football team of the SSU Office in Ternopil region.
Ruslan's life was cut short during a combat mission on May 26, 2018 in Luhansk region as a result of shelling by Russian occupational forces.
For valour and devotion shown in the performance of official duties, Ruslan Muliar was awarded the Order "For Courage" of III degree (posthumously) by Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 158 of June 2, 2018.
Ruslan is survived by his wife, daughter and two sons.