Voznyi Yurii Vitaliiovych 6 May 1976 – 27 June 2017

Voznyi Yurii Vitaliiovych


Yurii Voznyi was born on May 6, 1976 in the city of Zhytomyr.

He graduated from Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology and in July 1999 began military service in the SSU. He held positions from an operative to the head of a unit.

Colonel Voznyi died on June 27, 2017 from a terrorist attack in the ATO area: his car was blown up by an explosive device.

Yurii Voznyi was awarded the Order "For Courage" of III degree (posthumously) by Decree of the President of Ukraine dated No. 170/2017 of June 30, 2017.

The officer was buried with military honours in Zhytomyr, alongside other Ukrainian soldiers who died in the ATO area during 2014-2017.

Yurii Voznyi is survived by his wife, two daughters and son.