Zhytomyr region: Senior official of Fiscal Service is suspected of large-scale abuses on issuance of licenses
SBU suspects one of the heads of the Department for control of turnover and tax liabilities of excisable goods of the Main Directorate of the State Fiscal Service in Zhytomyr region of large-scale abuses on issuance of licenses.
The special service operatives have found that the adviser of the tax and customs considered claims of local entrepreneurs with incomplete “set of documents" to obtain a license for the right of conducting business transactions with fuel. Contrary to the requirements of regulatory acts dealers did not provide certificates that certify acceptance into service of objects of sale and storage products. Pre-trial investigation established that official with violations issued 77 licenses to entrepreneurs for retail trade and storage of fuel. Due to possible corrupt actions of official the general fund of local budgets damages totaling UAH 700 thousand.
During searches in the office building of the State Fiscal Service the SBU officers seized license cases and other documents confirming large scale abuses.
Currently one of the heads of the Department was served notice of suspicion of committing the crime stipulated by Part 2 Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The investigation is under way.
The operation was conducted by officers of the SBU Office in Zhytomyr region with the State Bureau of Investigations Territorial Directorate in Khmelnitskyi city, under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor's Office of Zhytomyr region.