EUAM hands over protective equipment to SBU Military Medical Department

On May 7, 2020, in Kyiv, representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission for the Civilian Security Sector handed over a batch of protective equipment to the Security Service of Ukraine.

The first batch of aid from EUAM, containing 7,500 latex gloves, is handed to the Military Medical Department, which works in strengthened mode due to the pandemic.

The Security Service of Ukraine expresses deepest gratitude to the EU Advisory Mission for the support of state bodies of Ukraine, which directly fight against COVIS-19, providing with protective equipment those who are at the forefront of this fight, risking their health and lives.

“It’s impossible to overcome the emergency caused by COVID-19 alone. The fight against coronavirus brings about unprecedented challenges and requires urgent response. Only by joint efforts we can defeat the disease and neutralize it,” Head of EUAM Antti Juhani Hartikainen emphasizes.