New ‘story’ created for Russians: they want to hold ‘victory parade’ in Ukraine on May 9 (audio)

The Kremlin has plans to hold a ‘victory parade’ in Ukraine on the 9th of May.

Only Putin’s soldiers, fighting on our land, are laughing at such plans.

Like this invader, who is now with his unit in Zhytomyr region. He no longer believes in a victorious end to the war for Russia and dreams of returning home.

Before he came to Ukraine, he believed that ‘they don’t really shell a lot’ there. Instead, what he saw was: ‘…cars blown up everywhere, all the cities destroyed to f**king bits. Civilians… our troops are f**king shelling them from all sides.’

Many invaders are looking for a chance to flee: ‘…the sergeant has f**king fled to Russia. There’s a sh*tload of those who fled. Fled when they understood that they are firing here for real.’

Some return home without permission, despite having to face time in prison.

We remind the occupiers that they have one more option - to lay down their arms and surrender.

Because you can’t defeat Ukraine.