Donetsk region: SBU prevents sale of counterfeit alcohol and tobacco worth over UAH 4 million

The Security Service of Ukraine uncovered in the Donetsk region the scheme of underground sale of wholesale consignments of counterfeit excisable products of domestic and foreign production.

Allegedly the illegal business was organized by a representative of a local commercial structure. In his own warehouse, he set up the manufacture of counterfeit excise stamps for counterfeit cigarettes and alcohol, which he received from his accomplices. The dealers sold the finished "goods" through their own retail network.

During searches at the warehouses of the suspects in Pokrovsk, law enforcement officers found more than 100,000 packs of tobacco products without excise duty stamps and 1,200 litres of surrogate. The oriented value of the seized products comprises over UAH 4 million. 

Within the framework of criminal proceedings initiated under Part 3 Art. 199 and Part 1 Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine the investigations are continuing to bring to responsibility all persons, involved into the deal.

The operation was conducted jointly with the Kramatorsk border detachment, the Main SFS Department in Donetsk region under the procedural supervision of the Military Prosecutor's Office of Donetsk garrison.