Luhansk region: SBU blocks large-scale illegal coal mining at the state mining enterprise
In Luhansk region, SBU blocked the activity of a group which organized illegal mining at a state-owned mine for further sale of coal, causing the state multimillion losses.
SBU officers found that at the beginning of this year, officials of one of the mines of Pervomaiskvugillia State Enterprise organized "shadow" coal mining. For this purpose, illegal coal mining was set up. The miners were forced to work in severe conditions, (tunnels of 65-85 centimetres height), which is a gross violation of law. The perpetrators didn’t account the "black gold" they mined and sold it to local entrepreneurs for cash. Every day the mine extracted almost 50-60 tons of unaccounted coal. To cover up the crime, the mine management underestimated the official production figures.
During the eight searches of the administrative building of the mine, of an office of a company involved in the illegal scheme, of coal sites in the cities of Zolote and Girske and of the suspects’ residences, the law enforcement seized cash in the amount of USD 120,000, accounting, surveying, shipping documents, computer hard drives, containing information about the official and actual amounts of extracted and sold coal products, three trucks and other equipment. In addition, almost 1.2 thousand tons of coal illegally mined and prepared for "shadow" sale were found at coal sites.
The investigation is ongoing upon the fact of misappropriation, misappropriation of property or taking it by abuse of office, committed by a group of persons with prior conspiracy (Part 3 of Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
The issue of seizure of confiscated goods and vehicles is being resolved. Evidence is being collected to bring the perpetrators to justice.
The operation was conducted under the supervision of the Prosecutor's Office of Luhansk region.