Zhytomyr region: SBU exposes organized group on multimillion illegal export of timber to Asia

In Zhytomyr region, the SBU exposed an organized criminal group on the illegal export of timber to Asia. 

Allegedly, a native of Donetsk region, who lives in Korosten district, and a foreigner, who has been living in Ukraine for the past few years, organized the illegal scheme. For cash, the accomplices bought the unaccounted lumber, made from illegally felled trees, at the legal sawmills of state and municipal forestries located in the north of Zhytomyr region. A resident of Zhytomyr city was responsible for processing of customs documents and legal certificates of origin.

Following the contract terms concluded with a foreign company, the offenders transported the goods by sea. Initially, the sender was a fictitious commercial entity. After a while, the offenders involved a local businessman, the owner of a real enterprise.

To legalize and convert funds into cash, the offenders registered a number of fictitious companies in Kyiv on proxy persons. The accomplice from Zhytomyr city conducted the financial operations.

The law enforcement officers documented that the offenders have been running the illegal business for two months. During this time, the offenders exported over 1,600 cubic meters of lumber worth more than UAH 4 million (USD 140,800).

The businessman, the mistermind, and the accomplice received notices of suspicion of criminal offense committed by a group of persons, or a group of persons upon prior conspiracy, or an organized group, or a criminal organization; illegal cutting of forests; forgery of documents, stamps, seals or letterheads, and sale or use of forged documents and legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained money and other property.

Another offender, an entrepreneur from Korosten, received a notice of suspicion of criminal offense committed by a group of persons, or a group of persons upon prior conspiracy, or an organized group, or a criminal organization; illegal cutting of forests and legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained money and other property.