‘One of the strongest armies in the world’ turned out to be a bunch of looters and rapists (audio)

In telephone conversations with relatives, the aggressors directly admit that they are killing peaceful Ukrainians and committing terrible atrocities. Why? Because ‘people go wild.’

However, we can’t really call them ‘people’.

Here is what a soldier from Russian occupying army says in a conversation intercepted by the SSU: ‘Here, people are going wild already, don’t know what to do sometimes: f**king shoot from an RPG for no reason… or fire volley from ‘30’ [‘Smerch’ BM-30]. In a nearby village, guys raped an adult woman and a 16-year-old girl.’

The soldier himself is disgusted by this, and he says that the rapists should be ‘f**king shot’.

And they will definitely be punished! Our defenders will do everything possible to ensure that every ruscist receives punishment in time and in full. We do not forgive such atrocities!