Russian soldiers continue to mutilate themselves to evade battle (video)

In the conversations intercepted by the SSU, we can hear that there is total chaos in Putin’s army. The occupiers shoot at each other in order to go to hospital. Otherwise, they have to hide in trenches without food, water and weapons, waiting for death.

‘We are f**king shooting ourselves… We are running across the minefield like f**king hares… sleeping in the f**king trenches,’ says the occupier, who wants to quit the army at any cost.

His wife advises him to break his leg to go to the hospital and not to go to battle: ‘Everywhere they say that you are at the drills. What fucking drills? You can f**king stay there forever… Break your leg and they will send you to hospital.’

We don’t know if the soldier will follow such advice. What we do know is this: given the determination of Ukrainian military and Ukrainian people, the invaders have little choice: either to break their legs or be killed, or surrender.

We are fighting and we will win because we are defending our Ukraine!