SSU serves notice of suspicion to russian propagandist Mardan who calls for repressions against Ukrainians

The SSU has collected evidence against russian propagandist Sergey Kliuchenkov (better known as Sergey Mardan) who called for genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Mardan is one of the key bloggers of the pro-kremlin Komsomolskaya pravda media outlet and is an active participant in talk shows on another kremlin mouthpiece, Solovyov live TV channel.

From the very beginning of russia’s full-scale invasion, he publicly supported the aggressive war against Ukraine and justified the war crimes of russian occupiers.

The investigation documented that the offender constantly calls for mass repressions against Ukraine’s civilian population.

In one of his live broadcasts, Mardan proposed to create concentration camps for residents of the temporarily occupied Ukraine who resist the ruscists.

The SSU-initiated linguistic examinations confirmed the facts of the blogger’s criminal activity.

Based on the evidence collected, SSU investigators notified him of suspicion under three Articles of the CCU:

  • 109.2 (public calls for forceful change or overthrow of the constitutional order or seizure of state power, dissemination of materials calling for such actions);
  • 436-2.3 (justification, recognition as lawful, denial of russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine, which began in 2014, as well as production and dissemination of such materials using mass media);
  • 442.2 (public calls for genocide, production of materials calling for genocide with the intent to disseminate them or dissemination of such materials).

The suspect is hiding from prosecution in russia; comprehensive efforts are underway to bring him to justice for crimes against Ukraine. The propagandist is facing up to 8 years in prison.

The investigation was carried out under the procedural supervision of the Prosecutor General’s Office.