SSU: Russia gives medals to occupiers who shoot civilian Ukrainians (audio)
Russia encourages the atrocities by its military and gives them medals for execution of civilian Ukrainians.
This is confirmed by another conversation between two invaders, who brag about their ‘achievements’ in the war. They discuss that they shot 25 civilians in cold blood…
‘We had twenty-five civilians here, they were going out by bus. We killed them,’ one of them admits.
The other one boasts about his plans to rape a Ukrainian woman and calls this a ‘date.’
‘I met a girl here, I’m thinking of going on a ‘date’ with her. The two of us. ‘Ukrop’ refused. She is sitting here with us, tied down,’ says the occupier laughing.
But the invaders don’t have much time to happily flaunt their atrocities. They will have to bear responsibility for every crime!