SSU and National Police dismantle four mobilization evasion schemes: repeat offender posing as man among detained
The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police have dismantled new schemes for evading mobilization. As a result of operations in several regions of Ukraine, four organizers have been detained.
For bribes ranging from USD 3,000 to USD 20,000, they provided forged documents to draft dodgers or smuggled them abroad evading checkpoints.
For example, a russian woman was detained in Kyiv for organizing a channel for smuggling conscripts to the EU as cross-border drivers.
For secrecy, she acted under the guise of a man – had a short hairstyle, wore men’s clothes and presented herself with a fictitious name.
According to the investigation, the woman had previously been prosecuted for kidnapping and fraud.
In Lviv region, a 32-year-old local resident received a notice of suspicion after he offered potential recruits to flee abroad ‘bypassing’ checkpoints.
The man assured his ‘clients’ that they would be met outside Ukraine by his accomplice who would help them ‘legalize’ in the EU.
In Poltava region, an individual was detained for trying to ‘trade’ in fake medical certificates of disability.
The fraudster used personal connections among doctors to forge the documents.
In Ternopil, the SSU Military Counterintelligence apprehended another organizer, who, with the help of accomplices in the Territorial Recruitment Center, ‘wrote off’ men from the military register for ‘health reasons’.
The detainees have been notified of suspicion of crimes under Articles 15.3, 332.3 of the CCU (illegal transfer of persons across the state border and attempt to commit this crime).
The suspects face up to 9 years in prison with confiscation of property.
The operations were carried out by the SSU regional offices jointly with the National Police under the procedural supervision of the prosecutor’s offices.