SSU and National Police dismantle another six mobilization evasion schemes: doctor with rf passport and combat grenade is among the suspects

The SSU and the National Police shut down another 6 schemes of mobilization evasion and illegal departure of military-aged men abroad.

As a result of complex measures in Zakarpattia, Lviv and Cherkasy regions, organizers of the schemes were detained. Doctors and officials of the Military Medical Commissions and Medical Advisory Commissions were among them.

For money, they helped military-aged men to avoid military service on the basis of forged medical documents or to escape abroad bypassing checkpoints.

The cost of such ‘services’ ranged from USD 6,000 to USD 10,000 depending on the urgency of the departure and the type of the ‘scheme’.

In Lviv region:

The SSU Military Counterintelligence detained the head of a regional psychiatric hospital department who sold counterfeit certificates of unfitness for service to draft evaders.

The suspect was detained ‘red-handed’ while transferring a new bribe. During the searches of her accomplice's place, the representative of the Medical Advisory Commission, psychiatrist, a russian passport and an ‘F-1’ combat grenade were found.

In addition, in Lviv, the head of a local hospital department was exposed and the deputy head of one of the military medical centres was detained for forging diagnoses to ‘write off’ from military registration.

An official of one of the region's military units was also detained for promising draft evaders to make reservations for money using his personal connections in the Territorial Centre of Recruitment and Social Support.

In Cherkasy region:

Another member of the Military Medical Commission, a psychiatrist at a local hospital, received a notice of suspicion.

The official took bribes for fake registration of potential military-aged men for psychological examination to avoid mobilization.


An inspector of the Border Guard Detachment was detained for selling ‘routes’ of escape to a neighboring country outside of checkpoints.

The detainees were notified of suspicion (in accordance with the crimes committed) under the following Articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • Article 332.3 (illegal transfer of persons across Ukraine’s state border);
  • Article 368.3 (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit by an official);
  • Article 369-2.3 (abuse of influence).

Investigations are ongoing to bring all persons involved in the scheme to justice. The offenders face 8 to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.

The operations were carried out by the SSU officers in Zakarpattia, Lviv and Cherkasy regions jointly with the National Police under the procedural supervision of the Lviv and Zakarpattia Specialized Prosecutor's Offices for Defense of the Western Region, Lviv and Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Offices.