SSU and National Police dismantle another three mobilization evasion schemes
The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police have shut down new mobilization evasion schemes in western and southern regions of Ukraine. 6 organizers of the schemes were detained.
They sold fake medical certificates of disability or smuggled draft evaders abroad bypassing checkpoints.
The cost of ‘services’ ranged from USD 5,000 to 15,000 per client.
In Zakarpattia region:
Two local residents were detained after they tried to smuggle a draft evader by hiding him among construction waste. To disguise the ‘client’, the smugglers placed him at the bottom of a cart pulled by horses.
In Odesa region:
Organizers of draft evasion schemes was detained. They were three residents of Podilsk district aged 21 to 25, who smuggled conscripts abroad on foot through the so-called ‘green border’.
In Bukovyna:
A local doctor gas been notified of suspicion of selling fake medical certificates of disability group 2 to draft evaders after his dismissal from a medical institution.
He used his connections in the medical and social expert commission to provide fake documents.
The organizers of the schemes have been notified of suspicion under two Articles of the CCU (in accordance with the actions each of them committed):
- 332.3 (organization of illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine with the provision of advice, instructions, committed upon prior conspiracy, by a group);
- 369-2.3 (obtaining an unlawful benefit for oneself and third parties for influencing the decision-making of a person authorized to perform state functions, combined with extortion of such benefit).
The suspects are in custody and face up to 9 years in prison with confiscation of property.
The operations were carried out by SSU Offices in Odesa, Zakarpattia and Chernivtsi regions under the procedural supervision of regional Prosecutor’s Offices.