SSU and National Police detain GRU agent who made IEDs for terrorist attacks in Zaporizhzhia (video)

In Zaporizhzhia, the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police have apprehended another agent of russian military intelligence (‘the GRU’). To carry out enemy tasks, he was to manufacture several improvised explosive devices for terrorist attacks in the frontline region.

According to the investigation, the perpetrator is a drug addicted resident of Zaporizhzhia who agreed to cooperate with russia in exchange for a promise of easy money.

His main task was to manufacture the bombs and transport them to hidden caches.

Before carrying out this terrorist work, the asset performed a ‘test assignment’ – posted anti-Ukrainian leaflets around the city.

Following his handler’s orders, the agent also used his acquaintances unwittingly and checked if they are suitable for recruitment.

The SSU and the National Police documented his criminal activity and detained him at his home.

Phones used by the traitor to communicate with the GRU and components for making the IEDs were seized during searches.

SSU investigators served the detainee a notice of suspicion under Article 111.2 of the CCU (high treason, committed under martial law).

The suspect is in custody without bail.

The operation was carried out under the procedural supervision of Zaporizhzhia Specialized Defense Prosecutor’s Office of the Eastern Region.