SSU and National Police detain another ten traffickers who tried to sell trophy weapons in Ukraine

The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police prevented new attempts to illegally trade in weapons and ammunition in several Ukrainian regions.

Ten dealers who tried to sell ‘trophy’ munitions to criminals have been apprehended.

The seized items include russian grenade launchers, sniper rifles, Kalashnikovs with silencers and ammunition of various calibre.

In Kyiv region:

A serviceman and four of his accomplices were uncovered as they were transporting ‘trophies’ from the frontline.

They were detained red-handed when they tried to clandestinely sell an RPG-2 rocket-propelled grenade and a batch of ammunition for large-calibre machine guns.

In Zhytomyr region:

The SSU exposed two brothers who were looking for customers for the covert sale of anti-tank grenade launchers, ammunition and combat grenades.

According to the investigation, one of them was a mobilized soldier who was stationed in the frontline areas. From there, he sent the weapons to his relative through a post office.

In Poltava region:

Three criminals were detained for preparing an arsenal of combat grenades and assault rifles for sale.

Two of them had previously been prosecuted for illegal arms trade and theft.

After release, they recruited a third accomplice and organized a new channel to illicitly sell munitions brought from the combat zone.

The detained individuals were notified of suspicion under Articles 263.1, 28.2 of the CCU (illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives, committed by a group).

The suspects are in custody and face up to 7 years in prison.

After the procedural actions, all seized weapons will be transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The operations were carried out by the SSU Offices in Kyiv and Kyiv region, in Zhytomyr and Poltava regions jointly with the National Police under the procedural supervision of Kyiv and Zhytomyr Specialized Defence Prosecutor’s Offices of the Central Region and Poltava Region Prosecutor’s Office.