SSU and National Police detain another 19 organizers of mobilization evasion schemes

The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police have shut down 6 new schemes of mobilization evasion in Ukraine. 19 organizers have been apprehended.

For money, they sold fake medical certificates or smuggled draft evaders abroad outside checkpoints.

In Odesa region, the law enforcement stopped four minibuses near the border in which local traffickers were trying to smuggle 47 draft dodgers to unrecognized Transnistria.

The car with the organizers of the scheme accompanied the vehicles with the potential conscripts.

The criminal group consisted of 9 individuals, including two foreigners from the South Caucasus. All of them are currently in custody.

In Kharkiv region, another four organizers of mobilization evasion schemes were uncovered. Among the detained are a local lawyer and a repeat offender with a criminal record for premeditated murder.

They involved over 10 accomplices in their illicit activities and sold fake medical certificates of disability to men, which they used to be removed from the military register.

During the searches, almost half a million US dollars were found.

In Kyiv, a former lawyer was detained red-handed for helping evaders escape abroad posing as humanitarian cargo forwarders.

The organizer of the scheme registered his ‘clients’ with a local charity organization.

In Poltava region, an official of the Health Department of Poltava Region State Administration was exposed. She was selling fake medical reports on MRI examinations to obtain fake disability.

Another scheme in the region was organized by two entrepreneurs who sold fake certificates of employees of the State Emergency Service to the draft evaders.

In Khmelnytskyi region, the deputy chairman of the medical advisory commission and two local doctors were notified of suspicion of issuing medical certificates of disability to persons liable for military service without any grounds.

The perpetrators were declared suspects under several Articles of the CCU (in accordance with the actions each of them committed):

  • 28.2, 28.3, 114-1.1 (obstruction of lawful activities of the AFU, committed by a group of persons or an organized group);
  • 332.3 (illegal trafficking of persons across the state border of Ukraine, committed by an organized group);
  • 28.2, 28.3, 369-2.2, 369-2.3 (abuse of influence, committed by a group of persons or an organized group, upon prior conspiracy).

The suspects face up to 9 years in prison with confiscation of property.

The operations were carried out the SSU regional directorates under the procedural supervision of the prosecutor’s offices.