SSU and National Police detain head of Vinnytsia municipal institution and two doctors who ‘wrote off’ servicemen for bribes

The SSU and the National Police have apprehended the head of a municipal institution in Vinnytsia for bribery.

According to the investigation, the official set up a scheme to receive illegal benefit for unjustified ‘discharge’ of servicemen from service for health reasons.

He involved two accomplices in the scheme: the head of an endoscopy room and an orthopaedic traumatologist from a local medical facility.

Both doctors provided fictitious medical reports to their ‘clients’ about their unfitness for further service due to serious or incurable illnesses.

They sent the medical certificates with fake diagnoses to the local military medical commission to remove the men from the military register.

The cost of such services was USD 6,500 per person.

To find ‘clients’, the official used personal connections among the military and their relatives.

The SSU Military Counterintelligence and National Police investigators documented his crimes and caught the perpetrator in the act in downtown Vinnytsia, when he came to a cafe to collect part of the bribe.

At the same time, two accomplices, doctors, were detained at their medical institutions.

During the searches, the suspects’ mobile phones, computers and documents with evidence of the crimes were found.

All three participants in the scheme have been notified of suspicion under Article 368.3 of the CCU (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit by an official).

The court is to decide on custody as a measure of restraint. The suspects face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property. The investigation is ongoing.

The operation was carried out under the procedural supervision of Vinnytsia Specialized Defence Prosecutor’s Office of the Southern Region.