SSU opens criminal proceedings against Iryna Farion

The SSU has initiated criminal proceedings and has already ordered a number of examinations regarding statements and publications of former member of Ukrainian parliament Iryna Farion.

According to the investigation, in one of her interviews, the people’s deputy of the 7th convocation says that she categorically rejects russian-speaking members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and cannot call them Ukrainians. This caused a wave of outrage among Ukrainian defenders and in society at large.

In addition, Farion published a post on her social media with a screenshot of a message from a pro-Ukrainian student from the temporarily occupied Crimea, containing the sender’s name, surname and other personal data.

This became the reason for his persecution by russian special services.

Criminal proceedings over these facts have been opened under the Articles of the CCU:

  • 161 (violation of equality of citizens based on their race, nationality, region, religious beliefs, disability and other grounds);
  • 435-1 (insult to a serviceman’s honour and dignity, threats to a serviceman);
  • 163 (violation of secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, telegraphic or other correspondence transmitted by communication means or via computer);
  • 182 (violation of privacy).

The SSU has initiated a psychological and linguistic examination of Irina Farion’s statements.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.