Ivano-Frankivsk region: SSU exposes bribery by regional chief of State Labor Service
The SSU detained chief of the Directorate of State Labor Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region while receiving bribe. The official extorted a sum of UAH 67,500 (USD 2,577) for assisting in testing the knowledge of occupational safety.
SSU documented the official to have extorted a bribe from the head of a training center. In return, he promised to help with issuing occupational safety certificates.
The offender took bribes in the sum of UAH 250 (USD 9,55) for his signature on certificates of knowledge of work safety. These certificates are mandatory for workers performing hazardous jobs.
The SSU detained the offender catching him red handed while receiving the second part of the bribe in the sum of UAH 39,000 (USD 1,489) for his signatures on 147 certificates. He received the first tranche for 114 signed papers previously through a mediator.
During the searches in the Directorate of the State Labor Service in Ivano-Frankivsk and at the offender’s home, the SSU seized items proving his illegal activity.
The offender will be served a notice of suspicion of the crime in question.
The operation was carried out by the SSU Office in Ivano-Frankivsk region jointly with the State Bureau of Investigation under the supervision of the Ternopil Region Prosecutor’s Office.
Under 62 Article of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is presumed innocent of committing a crime and shall not be subjected to criminal punishment until proven guilty and until the relevant court’s verdict.