SSU detains FSB saboteur who set fire to power substations in Odesa oblast

The SSU has detained an enemy saboteur who set fire to strategic energy facilities in Odesa region. The perpetrator is a citizen of a neighbouring European country, who lives in Ukraine and worked for the FSB.

In mid-April this year, he poured 5 canisters of petrol onto the technological equipment of two local power substations, which caused fires.

Then, the power transformers providing electricity to eight settlements in the region caught fire too.

In this way, the enemy tried to cut off power to hundreds of residential buildings, hospitals, heat generating enterprises, hydroelectric and gas supply facilities.

According to the investigation, the organizer of the sabotage is a criminal from a neighbouring Eastern European country. In the criminal underworld, he has the status of an ‘overseer’ in two border towns near Ukraine.

The offender was recruited by the FSB. In the spring this year, the russian service ordered him to organize a series of arsons in Odesa region. To do this, he hired an accomplice with a residence permit in Ukraine.

After committing the crime, the perpetrator hoped to covertly cross the border. However, the SSU established his location and detained him on a local motorway.

Based on the evidence, SSU investigators served the detainee a notice of suspicion under Article 113.2 of the CCU (sabotage, committed under martial law).

The suspect is in custody and faces life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

The investigators will also notify the organizer of the sabotage of suspicion in absentia and put him on the international wanted list.

The operation was carried out by the SSU Odesa Office jointly with the National Police under the procedural supervision of the regional Prosecutor’s Office.