SSU detains chief army psychiatrist who made over USD 1 mln during full-scale war
The Security Service of Ukraine, with the assistance of the Minister of Defence and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, detained the chief psychiatrist of the Armed Forces, who is the Deputy Head of the Central Military Medical Commission and decides on the fitness for service.
According to the investigation, this official acquired unjustified assets worth over USD 1 million during the war.
At the same time, he did not disclose these assets in his declaration and registered them in the names of his wife, daughter, sons and other persons.
During 2022-2024, the chief psychiatrist acquired:
- a private house in Obukhiv district, Kyiv region,
- two apartments in Kyiv,
- one apartment in Odesa,
- two land plots in Obukhiv district, Kyiv region,
- BMW X7 (2024),
- BMW X7 (2022),
- BMW X5 (2023),
- BMW X3 (2022),
as well as other property.
During the searches, SSU investigators also found USD 152,000 and EUR 34,000.
A notice of suspicion is currently being prepared to be served to the official under the Articles of the CCU:
- 368-5 (illicit enrichment);
- 366-2 (declaration of false information).
The decision on a measure of restraint and seizure of the suspect’s assets is pending.
The crime is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
The pre-trial investigation is ongoing and is carried out under the procedural supervision of the Specialized Defence Prosecutor’s Office of the Prosecutor General’s Office.