SSU detains another two collaborators in Kherson region: one of them hid under fake name

The SSU has apprehended another two collaborators who worked for russia during the occupation of the right-bank Kherson.

One of them is a former official of the local unit of the Social Insurance Fund.

During the seizure of Kherson, the woman supported the ruscists, for which she received a ‘position’ in russia’s local occupation administration.

Under gauleiter Saldo’s patronage, she headed the so-called ‘social policy department’.

Working in the pseudo-institution, the collaborator was looking for ‘like-minded people’, trying to hire ‘staff’ for her unit.

She also introduced russian ‘legislation’ and transferred all bank payments to russian rubles.

For conspiracy purposes, the enemy accomplice used a different name to sign occupation administrative documents.

After Kherson’s liberation, she stayed in the city and later got a job at the local Pension Fund.

The SSU documented the suspect’s criminal activity and her attempts to hide from justice in a state institution.

Another uncovered collaborator is a resident of Korabelnyi district of Kherson. During Kherson’s occupation, the woman joined the ruscist ‘election commission’.

There she called local population to ‘vote’ for the region’s accession to russia.

To collect ‘votes’, the ‘official’ made door-to-door visits and agitated locals to mark illegal ballots in russia’s favour.

After the liberation of the city, she tried to hide, but the SSU established her location and detained her.

The SSU has notified both detainees of suspicion under Article 111-1.5 of the CCU (collaboration).

The suspects are in custody and face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.

The operations were carried out by the SSU Offices in Vinnytsia and Kherson regions under the procedural supervision of Kherson Region Prosecutor’s Office.