Izium: SSU detains fsb informer, who covertly inquired clients of her beauty salon about positions of Armed Forces of Ukraine

The SSU exposed another enemy accomplice as a result of stabilization measures in the liberated part of Kharkiv region. The offender collected intelligence for the fsb about the locations and movements of the Defense Forces in the de-occupied city of Izium.

The enemy was in particular interested in the movement of military convoys with armored vehicles and heavy artillery to the front line.

According to the investigation, the russian spy is an owner of a local beauty salon.

To collect intelligence, she covertly used her clients, inquiring them during the cosmetology services and private conversations.

The traitor passed the intelligence to the fsb via a "liaison" from the aggressor country. She is the offender’s friend who after the capture of the district, cooperated with the occupiers and took a position in the illegal authorities created in the temporarily occupied territory.

However, after the release of the district center, the collaborator fled to the city of Bielhorod, from where she remotely involved her friend in cooperation with russian special services.

Earlier, SSU investigators notified fsb "liaison" of suspicion under Part 5 Art. 111-1 of the CCU (collaboration).

Currently, the SSU has detained the aggressor's informer and served her a notice of suspicion under Part 2 Art. 114-2 of the CCU (unauthorized dissemination of information about the movement and deployment of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

The detainee is in custody facing up to 8 years in prison. The investigation is ongoing.

The operation was conducted by the SSU Office in Kharkiv region under the procedural supervision of the Regional Prosecutor's Office.