SSU special operations in Kyiv: group of informants of Russian special services detained; two centers for sending hostile text messages shut down (video)

Over the past weekend, the SSU conducted several large-scale special operations in the capital to counter reconnaissance and sabotage activities of Russian occupiers.

In particular, the SSU neutralized a group of informants working for Russian special services.

Our officers, together with NABU, located the ‘headquarters’ of the enemy’s network and detained its leader. He turned out to be a local who had been recruited by representatives of the so-called L/DNR.

The group included members of one of pro-Russian NGOs.

The informants collected data on the movement of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and locations of checkpoints of Territorial Defence units in Kyiv region.

The spies also spread calls in social media to support the occupiers.

According to intelligence, their supervisor planned to ‘evacuate’ the network to the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

In addition, the SSU exposed an employee of one of the city’s hospitals on inciting medical personnel to help Russian occupiers, including by providing information on deployment of Ukrainian military units.

According to the investigation, he was recruited by Russian special services.

His handlers ‘guaranteed’ the collaborator a leadership position in the occupation administration that the enemy planned to establish in Kyiv.

In Kyiv region, the SSU dismantled two clandestine telecommunications centers. Through them, almost 3,000 hostile text messages were sent to the Ukrainian military and employees of local authorities.

The messages contained threats, calls for capitulation and cooperation with the occupiers.

Currently, the SSU is conducting investigations to establish all the circumstances of criminal activity and individuals involved.