“LNR” terrorist faces 15 years in jail

The leader of a terrorist group of the so-called “LNR”, exposed by SBU CI, was sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison.

SBU CI established that in 2015 a resident of the temporarily occupied Brianka city in Luhansk region voluntarily joined a terrorist group, the so-called “15th Battalion of territorial defense of the LNR People's Militia “Brianka USSR”. Until July 2017, he was the deputy commander of the terrorist group and was involved in hostilities against the ATO forces.

Currently, the terrorist is hiding from justice in the separate districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The convict is wanted for participation in a terrorist organization.

The SBU continuously and systematically documents crimes committed by members of terrorist groups and organizations to bring all those guilty to justice.