At SSU’s initiative, two ideologues of ‘denazification’ of Ukraine declared suspects (video)

The SSU has completed a pre-trial investigation into the ideologue of the ‘denazification’ of Ukraine and a russian political technologist, who publicly called for genocide of the Ukrainian people and an armed attack on our state.

The suspects have been declared internationally wanted.

SSU investigators have collected an exhaustive evidence base to bring to justice:

  • the author of the book Denazification of Ukraine. A country of unlearned lessons by Armen Gasparyan
  • political technologist and author of anti-Ukrainian publications Timofey Sergeitsev.

In 2018, Gasparyan published his book, in which he promotes fictional narratives about the failure of Ukrainian state to establish itself and calls on the russian leadership to launch a military attack on Ukraine.

It was this person who spread the term ‘denazification’ in russia and began to use it referring to Ukraine.

Another suspect is the russian political technologist Sergeitsev, the author of anti-Ukrainian publications, in which he promotes ideas about the inability of our state to continue to exist, the inferiority and second-rate nature of the Ukrainian nation, as well as the need for its extermination.

This person publicly called on the russian authorities to physically destroy Ukrainian defenders and establish full control over the territory of Ukraine.

Gasparyan and Sergeitsev are suspected of crimes under three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • Article 109.3 (actions aimed at violent change or overthrow of constitutional order or at seizure of state power);
  • Article 110.1 (encroachment on territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine);
  • Article 442.2 (genocide).

The pre-trial investigation has been completed and the indictments have been sent to the court.