Following SSU investigation, ‘LNR’ gauleiter Pasichnyk convicted in absentia to 12 years in prison

Based on the evidence collected by the SSU, Leonid Pasichnyk, the ‘leader’ of russia’s occupation administration in the temporarily occupied Luhansk region, has been sentenced to imprisonment.

The trial was held in a special court proceeding in absentia (in the absence of the accused).

Based on the totality of the crimes committed, the court sentenced Pasichnyk to 12 years in prison with confiscation of all his property.

He has also been deprived of the right to hold positions related to performing organizational, administrative and economic functions in government authorities, institutions, enterprises and organizations, regardless of ownership, for a period of 13 years.

According to the investigation, on the eve of 24 February 2022, Pasichnyk signed the so-called ‘agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance’ between the terrorist organization ‘LNR’ and moscow.

Later, the kremlin used these decisions as a formal pretext to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Subsequently, Pasichnyk organized a sham referendum on the ‘accession’ of the temporarily occupied part of the territory of Luhansk region to the aggressor state.

Based on the results of the fake plebiscite, he signed an ‘agreement with putin on the region’s accession’ to russia.

And after that, the Luhansk gauleiter organized participation of the temporarily seized communities in the russian ‘elections’.

Based on the evidence collected by the SSU, the court found Pasichnyk guilty under two articles of the CCU:

  • 110.2 (encroachment on Ukraine’s territorial integrity and inviolability, committed by a group, upon prior conspiracy);
  • 111-1.5 (collaboration).

The term of the sentence will begin on the date of the actual detention of the criminal.

The special pre-trial investigation was carried out by the SSU Office in Donetsk and Luhansk regions under the procedural supervision of Luhansk Region Prosecutor’s Office.