Member of Ukrainian Parliament Nestor Shufrych suspected of high treason

The SSU jointly with the SBI and the Prosecutor General’s Office have collected substantiated evidence of anti-Ukrainian activities by the current people’s deputy Nestor Shufrych.

Based on the findings of the SSU’s investigation, he has been served a notice of suspicion under Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason).

According to the inquiry, Shufrych closely cooperated with and carried out instructions from the former NSDC Secretary Volodymyr Sivkovych, an FSB agent responsible for coordinating russian assets in Ukraine.

In 2014, Sivkovych fled to moscow and created a ‘mole farm’ for subversive activities against Ukraine. It was he who ‘supervised’ a traitor - former chief of the SSU Crimea Office Oleh Kulinich. The latter was detained personally by the SSU Head Vasyl Maliuk on suspicion of high treason.

Shufrych’s main task was to subvert the information space. He systemically spread kremlin’s false narratives that the Ukrainian state is ‘an artificial entity’, that Ukraine and russia ‘have one history’, and that Ukrainians and russians are ‘one people’.

Currently, 45 searches are being conducted at the homes of the MP and his close associates.

The crime under Article 111 of the CCU is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

The investigation, under the procedural supervision of the Prosecutor General’s Office, is ongoing.

According to Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is presumed innocent of a crime and cannot be subject to criminal punishment until their guilt is proven in line with the procedure defined by law and established by a relevant court’s verdict.