Following SSU investigation, pro-russian agitators who praised putin and justified russian crimes in Bucha sentenced to prison

Following the SSU’s investigations, another three pro-kremlin Internet agitators from several regions of Ukraine have been convicted to imprisonment.

The perpetrators praised putin and supported russia’s war against Ukraine, glorified russian occupation groupings and justified their war crimes.

The propagandists also popularized russian gauleiters who spread the moscow regime in the temporarily occupied part of Ukraine.

To spin the destructive content, the aggressor’s accomplices created dozens of profiles on YouTube and social media.

In Prykarpattia:

A local resident has been convicted for distributing videos in support of putin and militants of the russian PMC ‘Wagner’.

He took the content from several TikTok pages and reposted it through his accounts on popular social networks.

In Cherkasy:

An administrator of a network of channels and communities on YouTube, Telegram and Facebook who called for seizure of state power in Ukraine has been sentenced to prison.

Among other things, he called the murder and torture of people by ruscists in Bucha a ‘staged event’.

In Mykolaiv region:

Another enemy agitator has been convicted. He was a computer science teacher at a local school who spread kremlin narratives from his work computer at the school.

He used the school device to create his own Odnoklassniki account, from which he called for seizure of the entire Ukraine and promoted gauleiter Saldo.

Following the SSU’s investigations, the court found the accused guilty under the Articles of the CCU:

  • 109.2 (public calls for seizure of state power);
  • 436-2.2 (justification, recognition as legitimate, denial of russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine).

The offenders have received the maximum sentence for these crimes – 5 years in prison.

The investigations were carried out under the procedural supervision of the Prosecutor General’s Office and regional prosecutor’s offices.