Following SSU’s investigation, ‘russia today’ director, who called for genocide of Ukrainians, sentenced to prison term

The SSU systemically investigates propagandists who publicly support russia’s armed aggression.

As a result of operational and investigative activities, the SSU collected substantiated evidence proving the guilt of Anton Kuznetsov-Krasovsky, former broadcasting director of the pro-kremlin TV channel ‘russia today’, in crimes against Ukraine.

Since February 2022, this propagandist has publicly supported russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, justified ruscists’ crimes and called for genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Kuznetsov-Krasovsky disseminated such narratives during broadcasts on ‘rt’ as well as through Telegram channels.

Based on the evidence collected by the SSU and the examinations conducted, the court found Kuznetsov-Krasovsky guilty under two Articles of the CCU:

  • 109.3 (public calls for forceful change or overthrow of constitutional order or seizure of state power, committed through media);
  • 442.2 (public calls for genocide, as well as production of materials calling for genocide with the intent to distribute them or distribution of such materials).

The offender was sentenced to 5 years in prison with confiscation of property, a maximum term of imprisonment envisaged by both articles.

The convicted individual is currently hiding from justice abroad. However, the SSU has established his location and is acting to bring him to justice.

The investigation was conducted by the SSU under the procedural supervision of the Prosecutor General’s Office.