SSU CI in Kharkiv prevents contract murder by Russian special services of ex-commander of AF of Ukraine intelligence battalion
Russia continues to sacrifice civilians for revenge of Ukrainian heroes. This is how Kremlin planned to take revenge on the serviceman for a number of success-ful operations. Among the Ukrainian intelligence officer "achievements" is the de-struction of a group of officers of the Russian Armed Forces, one of whom had the title of the “Hero of Russia”.
To commit the crime, the Russian special services involved Kharkiv resident, a former serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine. He received the task during a personal meeting with the curators in Russia.
Additionally, the blast murder was planned in an apartment building, which would have caused numerous human casualties. The power of the explosive de-vice was half a kilogram of TNT and was activated by a radio signal.
The SSU detained a bomber in the entrance of the house during the preparation for the crime. The explosive device was destroyed in the yard without human life being threatened.