International agreements on restricted information protection
One of the key responsibilities of the SSU is the protection of state secrets. The Ser-vice interacts with international partners to exchange and mutually protect restrict-ed information within a legal framework.
Ukraine has signed 51 international agreements in the sphere of protection of re-stricted information:
2 agreements with international organisations (NATO, the EU);
47 bilateral agreements with foreign countries including:
22 - with NATO member states (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Lat-via, Lithuania, Macedonia, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, United Kingdom, USA, Turkey, Hungary, France, Croatia, Czech Republic);
24 - with other countries (Azerbaijan, Algeria, Belarus, Armenia, Vietnam, Georgia, Equatorial Guinea, Israel, India, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, China, Ko-rea, Libya, Macedonia, Moldova, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbeki-stan, Sri Lanka).
2 - agreements was denounced (with the Slovak Republic - 01.12.2008 and the Rus-sian Federation - 21.05.2015).
48 of these international agreements are ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In 2017, the Government of Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation rati-fied the Administrative Arrangements on the Protection of Restricted Information (signed on September 28, 2016).
As of 2020, a draft of an international agreement with Belgium is being prepared for signing. At the initiative of a foreign party, measures are being taken to amend the agreements with Moldova and the United Kingdom.
In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has initiated the process for the signing of agreements with Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Peru, Saudi Arabia and Japan.