Ukrainian Research Institute of Special Equipment and Forensic Science of the Security Service of Ukraine

The mission of the Research Institute is to develop and manufacture new technical equipment for the SSU.

The Institute produces the following:

  • Equipment for anti-terrorist units,
  • Engineering equipment for demining,
  • Interception systems,
  • Innovative forensic tools, techniques and methods.

The Institute is responsible for the full cycle of development of special equipment, including design, manufacture and testing. After development, the Institute’s experts carry out various tests and warranty and post-warranty services, and are also responsible for the maintenance as internally developed equipment.

The unique equipment that the Institute develops is used in operational investigations, counter-intelligence and anti-terrorist activities. 

Technical and forensic support of investigative activities is also one of the key objectives of the Institute.

In addition to developing specialist equipment, the Research Institute of Special Equipment and Forensic Science provides capability in 43 different fields, including:

  • Document examination
  • Handwriting analysis
  • Ballistic and trace examinations, as well as blast analysis
  • Video and sound recording expertise
  • Computer forensics
  • Telecommunication identification
  • Drug and psychotropic testing
  • Biological examination

Address: 3 Mykola Vasylenko street, Kyiv city, 03113, Ukraine


Tel./Fax: (044) 408-70-54, (044) 422-77-94