Central Office of the Security Service of Ukraine

The Central Office of the Security Service of Ukraine is the core that develops and adopts strategic decisions within the competence of the Service. It is the Headquarters that coordinates the work of all SSU units to ensure the security of the state and protect its interests.

The Central Office includes the SSU Head’s Staff with its units and the Departments of:

  • Counterintelligence
  • Protection of national statehood
  • Counterintelligence protection of critical infrastructure and countering terrorism financing
  • Counterintelligence protection of the state’s interests in the field of information security
  • State secrets protection and licensing
  • Counteraction to systemic threats to state administration
  • Counterterrorism
  • Protection of participants of criminal proceedings and law enforcement officers
  • Operational and technical measures
  • Operational documentation
  • Investigations
  • Information Analysis, Personnel, Legal, Logistics, Financial, Medical and other types of support

The Head of the SSU is appointed and dismissed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine upon the proposal of the President of Ukraine. The heads of all key departments are appointed by the President upon the proposal of the SSU Head.

Contact details for the SSU Central Office are here.