The Centre of Special Operations “A”

The Presidential Decree of 23 June 1994 established Department “A” within the Central Office of the Security Service of Ukraine, with relevant units being created in the regions. 

In July 1996, Department A was reorganised into the Department for Combating Terrorism, Protection of Participants of Criminal Proceedings and Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine. 

Since December 27 2005, the Centre of Special Operations for Combating Terrorism, Protection of Participants of Criminal Proceedings and Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine has been operating.

The head of the Centre is Yevhenii Khmara.

The priorities of the Centre of Special Operations “A” are:

  • Cessation of terrorist acts.
  • Countering illegal armed groups, terrorist organisations and intelligence and sabotage groups of foreign states.
  • Ensuring that SSU officers carry out operative and search activities, counterintelligence measures, and procedural actions.
  • Participation in the protection of public authorities and officials, as well as ensuring the security of employees working in the SSU, the Department of the State Guard and their relatives.
  • Supporting the facilitation of martial law or a state of emergency if either are invoked.

“Life to the Motherland, honour to no one!” is the motto of the Centre of Special Operations “A”. It became even more significant when in April 2014 its fighters, together with the entire Service, bid farewell to the first comrade who died in a collision with aggressor in Donbas. 

Since then, the officers of the Centre have detained hundreds of pro-Russian terrorists and members of sabotage groups. The unit is the front line in this battle.

Unfortunately, there are many names in the list of fallen Heroes from the Centre of Special Operations “A”.

In the JFO area, the employees of Centre “A” perform the tasks assigned to them. In addition to stopping terrorist activity and attacks that threaten national security, the fighters counter the activities of illegal armed groups, detain criminals, release hostages, and protect participants of court proceedings. In particular, Judges and witnesses of high-profile criminal proceedings may need protection by the Centre.

Officers of the Centre received extensive training, including in:

  • Tactical and special training
  • Weapons training
  • Driving 
  • Special engineering techniques
  • Airborne training 
  • Diving

Each regional SSU Office has a special task force unit of Centre A. The JFO area receives a substantial level of support from Centre A.

The selection process for officers of the Centre is rigorous - selection takes place on a closed range and lasts several weeks. One out of every 10-15 candidates pass the selection process. 

The Centre of Special Operations “A” has close interaction with volunteer and public organisations. At the beginning of Russian aggression in 2014, they helped to equip the unit with cutting-edge devices and weapons. 

Projects to support Centre “A” include; "Come Back Alive", "PatriotDefence", "Sisters of Victory", Mykolayiv regional charity fund "Regional Fund of Piety", People's Rear, public company Ukrzaliznytsia and the charity fund "Peace and Co".

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