Chernivtsi city: SBU convicts former contractor serviceman for arms trafficking
SBU investigation helped to convict a former contractor serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for arms trafficking from the Joint Forces Operation area.
SBU investigation helped to convict a former contractor serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for arms trafficking from the Joint Forces Operation area.
In Odesa SBU uncovered and blocked illicit sale of weaponry transported from the Joint Operations area.
In Ivano-Frankivsk region SBU investigation helped to convict four smugglers who illegally imported buprenorphine from Europe.
SBU officials blocked the illegal supply of potentially dangerous to life and health of people counterfeit alcoholic products to retail network in Transcarpathian region. The law enforcement seized counterfeit excise goods worth UAH 15,000,000 (USD 600,000) at the warehouses.
Співробітники Головного управління по боротьбі з корупцією та оргзлочинністю Служби безпеки України викрили на отриманні хабаря старшого слідчого Головного управління Державної фіскальної служби та його спільника адвоката
The Security Service of Ukraine initiated the pre-trial investigation in criminal proceeding upon the fact of shelling of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, conducted by Russian-led terrorist groups in Luhansk region on February 18, 2020.
The Coordination Group of Anti-terrorist Centre at the SBU Office in Odesa region conducted special anti-terrorist drills at one of local cinemas.
SBU Office in Poltava exposed a lawyer suspected in receiving illegal financial gain.
SBU officers blocked the activity of an organized group which was assaulting citizens of Odesa and extorted money from them.
SBU officers blocked in Zaporizzhya city the activities of the interregional drug group, whose members were engaged in the production and sale of synthetic psychotropic substances.
SBU blocked in different regions of country the activities of the extensive network of “botofarms”, equipment of which was supported through Russian online services.
SBU disclosed in Dnipro city a corrupt mechanism of budget funds misappropriation by the officials of the local government body during the overhaul of the communal educational institution.