| State security
| Russian aggression
| Protecting Ukraine together
In Kharkiv region, the SSU Counterintelligence detained another enemy informant, a woman who collected information on Ukraine’s Defence Forces and adjusted missile strikes.
State security
| Russian aggression
| Counterterrorism
| Protecting Ukraine together
In Kyiv, the SSU neutralized a criminal organization engaged in information subversion commissioned by the FSB. The perpetrators produced and spun pro-kremlin narratives and provocative messages on a massive scale aiming at destabilizing the socio-political situation and inciting religious hatred in Ukraine.
State security
| Russian aggression
| Protecting Ukraine together
| Counterintelligence
The SSU Military Counterintelligence prevented russian sabotage against the command of Ukraine’s Defence Forces on the southern front.
State security
| Protecting Ukraine together
The SSU has blocked new schemes of evading mobilization and illegal departure of conscription-aged men abroad.
State security
| Russian aggression
| Protecting Ukraine together
The SSU has collected evidence against russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and his top managers in Ukraine involved in financing russia’s armed aggression.
State security
| Russian aggression
| Protecting Ukraine together
Based on the evidence collected by the SSU, another FSB agent, who operated in Mykolaiv region, has been convicted to imprisonment.
Russian aggression
| Counterintelligence
| State security
| Protecting Ukraine together
In Dnipro, the SSU Counterintelligence detained another agent of russian military intelligence. The perpetrator reconnoitered locations of air defence systems and logistical routes of Ukraine’s Defence Forces in the region.
State security
| Russian aggression
| Protecting Ukraine together
Based on the evidence collected by the SSU, another member of an FSB agent network dismantled in September 2022 in Kyiv oblast has been convicted to prison.
Protecting Ukraine together
| Counterintelligence
| State security
| Russian aggression
The SSU Counterintelligence has apprehended a traitor who was providing data on combat positions of Ukraine’s Defence Forces to the enemy just before Kharkiv region was liberated.
State security
| Russian aggression
| Counterterrorism
| Protecting Ukraine together
The SSU has detained another perpetrator who collaborated with russia during Kherson’s occupation.
State security
| Russian aggression
| Protecting Ukraine together
The SSU has identified another two members of russian occupation authorities who committed war crimes against civilians in the temporarily occupied part of Luhansk oblast.
Protecting Ukraine together
| State security
| Counterintelligence
| Russian aggression
Based on the evidence collected by the SSU, another agent of russian intelligence has been convicted to prison. He was tracking the locations of Ukraine’s Defence Forces near the frontline in Donetsk oblast.