SBU blocked large-scale sale of hazardous to people’s life and health counterfeit alcohol products in Dnipropetrovsk region. From warehouses of offenders was seized ready for shipment consignment of counterfeit alcohol products, for which the attackers planned to get UAH 4 million.
Protection of critical infrastructure facilities
| Anti-corruption
SBU conducts in Vinnytsia region systematic work to expose and terminate corruption mechanisms organized by officials of state enterprises and public organizations.
State security
| Anti-corruption
Employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime in conjunction with the SBU Office in Lviv region blocked the activities of group that organized the smuggling of large consignments of drug-containing substances from Europe.
Top news
| Ivan Bakanov
SBU examines two versions of reasons that led to the crash of the aircraft flight PS752 in Iran: the first - shooting down by the missile, the second - terrorist attack. SBU Chairman Ivan Bakanov informed this during a meeting of the SBU special working group held on January 10 under his supervision.
State security
SBU prevented the illegal export from Ukraine of components for military equipment in Zakarpattya region. The radiation background of finding ranged up to 25 times over normal.
State security
| Anti-corruption
SBU blocked in Bukovyna activities of the group of persons who have established illegal sale of drugs and psychotropic substances.
Top news
Statement of Iranian government that military men of this country mistakenly shot down the "UIA" plane confirmed the first version of the investigation, which the SBU tended to.
| Russian aggression
| Counterterrorism
Based on the SBU materials, militant of the “LNR” terrorist organization was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment.
Protection of critical infrastructure facilities
| Anti-corruption
SBU stopped the illegal activities of officials of the Cherkasy City Council, who organized corruption scheme of public funds misappropriation.
Top news
| Ivan Bakanov
SBU Chairman Ivan Bakanov informed the representatives of the bodies of security and defence sector on the investigation of the circumstances of the “UIA” plane crash in Iran during a meeting in the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine.
| Russian aggression
Counter-intelligence officers of special service detected facts of recruiting three residents of Sumy region by Russia’s FSB representatives. Among them former law-enforcement officer, teacher and employee of one of the enterprises of the region which is a part of the “UkrOboronProm” concern.
| Russian aggression
| Counterterrorism
SBU detained the active member of the so-called “Self-defense of Crimea” who participated in the blocking of military facilities in 2014 at the Chonhar checkpoint.